What Size Tankless Water Heater For Family Of 4 – The Truth Reveals

Are you a family of four attempting to choose the ideal tankless water heater size for your residence? A tankless water heater is an ideal choice due to its great energy efficiency and compact design. But selecting just the right system to meet your specific needs is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. You’ll have to choose among various sizes and capacities based on factors like usage requirements, climate, incoming water temperature, location in the home, and local building codes.

In this blog post, we’ll take a close look at what size tankless water heater would be best for a family of four and all the factors that come into play when making your decision. We’ll discuss everything from flow rates to temperature rise calculations – so keep reading! Join us so we can provide you with the knowledge you need to make a wise choice!

What Size Tankless Water Heater For Family Of 4

Let’s explore what size a tankless water heater is for a family of 4.

A tankless water heater is the best choice for a family of four when it comes to convenience, cost-efficiency, and space-saving. The size of a tankless water heater suitable for a family of four would depend on their water usage habits, as well as the size of the home. Generally speaking, a family of four would require between 8 and 12 gallons per minute (GPM) to meet their hot water needs.

If they choose electric-powered tankless heaters, then a unit with at least 18 kilowatts of power should be considered. A gas-powered unit can handle up to 10 GPM with just 140,000 BTU/hr. Additionally, installing two smaller units rather than one larger unit will provide more versatility and can save on installation costs.

Tankless water heaters utilize relatively little energy since they only heat water when it is needed. This allows them to reduce energy waste and because tankless units don’t take up much space and can easily be mounted on walls or stored in small spaces like closets or crawlspaces, they offer added convenience and allow for greater flexibility in terms of placement within the home. Therefore, choosing the right size tankless heater for your family requires careful consideration of your current and future hot water needs as well as where you plan to install it within your home.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Right Size Tankless Water Heater

A few crucial things need to be taken into account when choosing the size of your tankless water heater. These include the size of your home, climate, desired hot water temperature, as well as hot water usage such as how many showers are taken each day or how often you do laundry.


Your home’s size will have a significant impact on the size and power of the tankless water heater you require. Higher GPMs or greater BTUs are needed in larger homes with several bathrooms and showers.


The climate where you live can also affect your selection when choosing a tankless water heater model. Locations that experience extreme temperatures can increase the demand for a tankless water heating system and require larger units with higher GPM ratings than normal. Areas that don’t experience extreme cold or heat will likely have less demand on their systems and may be able to get away with smaller models with lower GPM ratings. 


Another factor to consider when selecting a tankless water heater is the desired temperature of the hot water coming out of your fixtures. The temperature of a traditional water heater can only reach 140 degrees Fahrenheit, while some tankless units can reach up to 180 degrees Fahrenheit or even higher. This can be beneficial for those who want hotter showers or heated pools and spas but comes at the cost of increased energy consumption from the unit and potentially increased installation costs due to special components needed for these temperatures.

Therefore, it’s important to decide what temperature you would like before selecting a model for installation to make sure you get something that works for your needs and budget. 


When estimating your hot water usage needs, make sure you consider all possible scenarios where you will be using large amounts of hot water at once such as taking multiple showers back-to-back or running an appliance like a washing machine at full capacity simultaneously with other uses around your home.

This should provide useful insight for selecting a suitable tankless water heater size that can provide enough hot water flow rate per minute (GPM) without having to wait too long between uses or experiencing unpleasantly cold shower temperatures due to lack of sufficient flow rate capacity from an undersized unit.

Calculating The Size Of a Tankless Water Heater For a Family of 4

Calculating the size of a tankless water heater for a family of four can be tricky, but with the right information and considerations, you can determine the best size for your home. Tankless water heaters, also known as on-demand water heaters, are popular for their efficient use of energy, as they only heat water when it is needed. Comparing this to conventional tank water heaters may result in significant financial savings. To ensure your family gets the most from your tankless water heater and that it is large enough to meet your demands, it is important to consider how many gallons per minute (GPM) your household needs. 

When calculating the GPM needed for a family of four, you should start by taking into account all areas in the home where hot water will be used simultaneously. Take note of things like showers, dishwashers, washing machines, and any other faucets that may need hot water at once. Once you have an idea of all these demands on your system, you will then need to calculate what each appliance uses per minute.

For example:

Shower heads often run around 1 to 2 GPM while dishwashers usually require more between 2 GPM per minute. Multiply each appliance’s GPM demand by the number of appliances that will run concurrently and add up all the total GPMs to get an accurate picture of what you need from your tankless system. 

So if your family has four members, you should expect that they could potentially be using 6 GPM at peak demand, meaning that you’ll likely want to choose a unit with 8-10 GPM capacity to ensure adequate performance. 

To ensure you never experience a lack of hot water during peak periods or even on cold winter days when everyone is using hot showers at once, it is recommended that you purchase a tankless unit with 50% higher capacity. This will provide some margin for error if something unexpected happens or if there are additional demands on the system. It is also important to factor in any future changes such as new members moving in or installing more appliances like a jacuzzi tub which requires significantly more power than regular showers or faucets do. 

Gas Tankless Water Heater Or Electric Tankless Water Heater?

When considering the best water heater for a family of four, it’s important to understand both options and the benefits each offer.

Gas tankless water heaters are typically more efficient than electric models because they use less energy to heat the water. Additionally, gas tankless varieties can often provide hot water on demand, meaning that you won’t have to wait as long for your hot water as you would with an electric model. This can be helpful if multiple people in your household are using hot water simultaneously.

On the other hand, electric tankless water heaters usually require a larger initial investment due to their higher cost, but they also tend to be lower maintenance over time because there aren’t any worries about fuel sources or emissions. Electric models can also be installed in small spaces where natural gas may not be accessible and tend to have a longer lifespan than their gas-powered counterparts. 

Cost of a Tankless Water Heater for a Family of Four

The cost of a tankless water heater for a family of four can vary based on size, type, and features. Generally speaking, gas tankless models tend to be more expensive than electric units due to the additional hardware required for installation and operation. Additionally, choosing a model with extra features such as recirculation or digital temperature control can also add to the cost.

In most cases, expect a tankless water heater for a family of four to cost anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000. Nevertheless, this sum can differ significantly based on the size and features needed. Although the initial investment might seem high, it’s important to consider the long-term savings in energy costs that you can reap from the energy efficiency of a tankless water heater.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the ideal tankless water heater size for my house?

It’s crucial to take your household size and peak demand flow rate into account when choosing the size of your tankless water heater. Generally speaking, you should add 1 GPM for each person in the house and assume that two people will be using hot water simultaneously at peak times.

What size water heater do I need for a family of four?

For a four-person family, you should look for a tankless water heater with 8 to 10 GPM capacity. This site should provide adequate performance for meeting peak demand flow rate requirements.

Can a tankless water heater be too large?

A tankless water heater can be too big. Oversized models may not run efficiently as they will heat more water than necessary, leading to unnecessary energy consumption and higher utility bills. It’s important to size your tankless water heater correctly for your household size and peak demand flow rate requirements.

What size tankless water heater should I buy?

We advise 6-7 GPM for a house with a single bathroom, 8–9 GPM for a house with two bathrooms, and 9–11 GPM for a house with three or more bathrooms. Smaller 4-5 GPM units, according to our experience, are ideal for studio apartments, one-bedroom homes, and other application-specific needs.

Is a tankless water heater financially viable?

Since tankless water heaters use less energy and require less upkeep than conventional tank-style water heaters, they can indeed be a financially sound choice. Additionally, your local government or utility company may be able to offer you rebates or incentives.


What size a tankless water heater is for a family of 4 have, then? Ultimately, it’s important to size a tankless water heater correctly for your household size and peak demand flow rate. Generally speaking, you should size up based on the number of people in your house and assume that two people will be using hot water simultaneously at peak times. For a four-person family, we recommend looking for a tankless water heater with 8 to 10 GPM capacity. Although the initial investment might seem high, consider the long-term savings in energy costs that you can reap from the energy efficiency of a tankless water heater. With proper sizing and installation, you’ll be able to enjoy hot showers and never worry about running out of hot water again!

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