How Long Do Navien Tankless Water Heaters Last – The Truth Reveals

If you’re looking for a reliable and efficient way to heat your home’s water supply, then you may be considering a Navien tankless water heater. Navien tankless water heaters are an especially popular choice among those looking for a reliable source of hot water. But before you invest in one, it’s important to have some idea of what type of lifespan they offer. If you’re not sure how long Navien tankless water heaters last, then this blog post is going to help give you the answers that will make your purchase decision easier! Read on to learn more about why a Navien tankless water heater tends to outlast other forms of heating systems and what proper maintenance can do in terms of extending their life expectancy even further.

How Long Do Navien Tankless Water Heaters Last

Examining the subject of how long Navien tankless water heaters last

Navien tankless water heaters are a popular choice for residential homes and businesses due to their energy-efficient design and ability to provide an unlimited supply of hot water. Not only do these units provide hot water on demand, but they also help reduce monthly utility bills by using less energy than traditional storage tanks. This makes them an ideal choice for anyone looking for the perfect balance between performance and cost savings.

Navien tankless water heaters are also known for their long service life, with many lasting up to 20 years with proper maintenance. Proper maintenance, such as flushing out sediment build-up at least once a year, can extend the life of your unit even further and help you avoid potential breakdowns or costly repairs down the line.

Overall, it is important to understand the lifespan of Navien tankless water heaters to ensure that you get the maximum benefit from your investment. With proper care and regular servicing, you can expect your Navien tankless heater to last upwards of 20 years or more, making it one of the most reliable and cost-effective models on the market today.

What are Navien Tankless Water Heaters

Navien tankless water heaters are a revolutionary type of water heater that offer significant advantages over traditional tank-style models. Navien tankless water heaters use a heat exchanger to instantly heat cold water as it passes through the unit, providing an unlimited supply of hot water without wasting energy by constantly keeping stored water hot. This innovative design makes them extremely efficient and cost-effective to run over the long term. 

One of the most attractive features of Navien tankless water heaters is their compact size and ability to be installed virtually anywhere. Their space-saving design allows for maximum flexibility in both residential and commercial settings, allowing them to be mounted on virtually any wall or even outdoors in some cases.

What’s more, Navien tankless water heaters are incredibly durable, with many models having a significantly longer lifespan than conventional tank systems which generally require replacement after 8-12 years due to corrosion, sediment buildup, and other issues. In addition, these units have several built-in safety features including freeze protection and overheat protection which helps protect your home from costly damage while ensuring you always have access to hot water whenever you need it. 

Overall, Navien tankless water heaters provide a great solution for homeowners who want an unlimited supply of hot water without sacrificing comfort or efficiency.

How Long Do Navien Tankless Water Heaters Typically Last?

Navien tankless water heaters are known for their reliability and durability, with a typical lifespan of around 20 years. While most tankless water heaters will last up to 15-20 years, Navien’s models boast an average life expectancy of more than 20 years. This is due to the high-quality materials and craftsmanship used in their production and the fact that they don’t use a storage tank, which eliminates the need for regular maintenance.

Additionally, Navien tankless water heaters also feature advanced technology such as digital diagnostics and self-diagnostic functions that can help identify potential issues quickly and accurately. This ensures their longevity by providing more accurate maintenance recommendations and limiting damage from potential problems before they become serious.

For households looking for a reliable, long-lasting solution, a Navien tankless water heater is an excellent choice that can provide hot water on demand while lasting substantially longer than other models on the market.

Factors Affecting The Lifespan Duration

Navien tankless water heaters offer an incredibly long lifespan, but it is important to understand the factors that impact their durability to ensure the maximum benefit from your investment. Here are some of the main factors that can influence the lifespan of Navien tankless water heaters:

1: Quality Of Installation

Poorly installed Navien tankless water heaters may not operate properly, or even at all, which means they won’t last as long compared to units that were properly installed by certified technicians who follow local codes and regulations. When having your unit installed by professionals, make sure to ask about warranties offered in case there is ever an issue with the system’s performance down the line due to installation errors. 

2: Location Where the Unit is Installed

Where the Navien tankless water heater is installed can also play a role in how long it lasts. The unit needs to be kept away from any moisture sources such as plumbing pipes and sprinkler systems, as these can lead to rusting, corrosion, and other damages that could cause a shortening of the lifespan duration of the tankless water heater.

3: Poor Water Quality

Hard water, high levels of sediment, and other contaminants can reduce the lifespan of your tankless water heaters due to buildup within the system. Investing in a good water softener or filtration system is recommended for homes with hard water or contaminated supplies.

4: Inadequate Power Source

Having an inadequate power source connected to your Navien tankless water heater can reduce its lifespan substantially. If the power source cannot provide enough amps or watts required by your model type, leads to insufficient hot water or overloading issues due to improper current delivery causing damage to internal components like sensors & valves.

5: Age and Wear

The age and wear of a Navien tankless water heater will have an impact on its lifespan duration, as with any other mechanical device. Older models may not be able to keep up with the demands of modern households and can suffer from increased breakdowns or inefficiencies if they are pushed beyond their capacity.

Additionally, consistent use over time can cause damage to functional components, leading to increased maintenance costs and a shortened lifespan. 

How Proper Maintenance Can Extend Navien Tankless Heaters Life Expectancy

Have you ever wondered how to get your Navien tankless water heater running like new again? Regular maintenance is the key! Taking a little extra time and effort can help extend its life expectancy. Prolonging that magic moment when hot, blissful showers become part of your routine.

1: Flushing The System Every Six Months

The most important aspect of maintenance is flushing the unit every six months. This process removes any sediment and scale build-up that has accumulated in the heat exchanger, allowing for increased efficiency and a longer life span. Flushing also helps prevent lime and scale deposits from building up on the internal components of the heater which can cause premature failure.

2: Cleaning Out the Filters

Regularly cleaning out the filters of your Navien tankless water heater will help ensure its longevity. Dirty, clogged filters can reduce water flow and decrease unit performance, putting additional strain on the system and leading to an increased likelihood of failure in the future.

3: Schedule Yearly Inspections of Units By Professional

In addition to regular maintenance, it is important to schedule yearly professional inspections of Navien tankless water heaters. During these inspections, technicians can check all internal components for signs of wear and tear or defects, such as loose gas connections or faulty seals. It is also a good idea to replace any worn gaskets or filters during yearly inspections to ensure optimal performance from your heater over time.

4: Making Sure Heater is Properly Sized

It is also critical to make sure your Navien tankless water heater is properly sized for your home. Heaters that are too large or small can lead to inefficiency and will wear out more quickly than those that are correctly sized. To determine the right size, consider factors such as your household size, hot water usage, and the local climate.

By following these simple maintenance steps you can ensure your Navien tankless water heater will last for years to come. Keep in mind that regular inspections and maintenance are essential for efficient operation and long-term performance of any system, so don’t forget to schedule them!

Signs Showing That Navien Unit Might Be Nearing the End of its Life

Navien tankless water heaters are designed to last a long time, but they may still show some signs that it’s almost at the end of their useful lifespan. Be on the lookout for some signs, these could be clues that your trusty heater is ready to take early retirement!

1: Decreased Efficiency

One of the first signs that your Navien tankless water heater might be nearing the end of its life is decreased performance. You might notice that the water pressure coming out of your hot taps has decreased, or it might take longer for the water to get hot.

2: Strange Odors or Noises

Another sign that your Navien tankless water heater may be reaching the end of its lifespan is if it starts producing loud noises and strange smells. If you notice any unusual odors or noises coming from your unit when it’s running, this may mean something’s gone wrong inside your system and needs to be repaired or replaced before further damage occurs.

3: Increase In Energy Bills

If you start to notice an increase in energy costs associated with your Navien tankless water heater but that doesn’t seem to coincide with a change in usage habits, this could also indicate that it’s getting older and less efficient. Over time, heaters become less energy-efficient as they age, resulting in higher energy bills even when there isn’t a significant increase in usage. 

4: Rusty Water Coming From the Taps

Finally, if you start to notice rusty water coming from your taps this could also be a sign that your Navien tankless water heater is nearing the end of its useful life. Rust and sediment build up on the inside of heaters over time and can cause corrosion which leads to rust in the water supply.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Navien tankless water heaters reliable?

Navien tankless water heaters are known for their reliability and can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance and care. If properly cared for and installed by experts in the field, these devices can survive up to 25 years.

How long does a Navien’s warranty last?

Navien offers a 5 to 10 years limited warranty for its tankless water heaters, with the coverage period beginning from the date of original installation. The warranty covers all parts and labor costs associated with repairs for defects in material or craftsmanship. However, it does not cover damages caused by improper maintenance or faulty installation.

How do I pick the best tankless Navien water heater?

The best Navien tankless water heater for your needs will depend on some factors, such as the size of your home, the amount of hot water needed, and your budget. Navien offers a range of models with varying capacities ranging from small to commercial grade. It’s important to research each model and consult with an expert if necessary before making your final decision.

Is Navien a reliable brand name?

Yes, Navien is a reliable and well-respected brand when it comes to tankless water heaters. The company is producing high-quality products that are designed for durability and efficiency. Navien water heaters also come with a robust warranty so you can be sure that your investment will last for years to come.

What is a Navien tankless water heater’s drawback?

The drawback of a Navien tankless water heater is that it can be expensive to install and maintain. Additionally, some customers report difficulty getting replacement parts for these units. Finally, due to the complexity of the system, not all plumbers may be able to work on Navien tankless water heaters.


We hope you found this article helpful in determining how long Navien tankless water heaters last. Navien tankless water heaters are designed to last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance and care. With regular inspections and repairs, these units can reach 25 years of life expectancy. If you start to notice any strange odors or noises coming from your unit, an increase in energy bills, or rusty water coming from the taps, it may be time to replace your Navien tankless water heater with a new one. Be sure to consult with a professional before making any decisions about replacing or repairing your unit, as this will ensure that you get the best possible solution for your needs.

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