Can Tankless Water Heaters Leak – The Truth Reveals

Are you considering installing a tankless water heater in your home? While it provides an endless supply of hot water, one thing you might be asking is whether or not they can leak. Tankless water heaters can leak, which may sound shocking. Tankless water heaters are less problematic than those with storage tanks, although leaks can still occur. The good news is that these leaks are rarely as significant. And with proper maintenance and installation, you can keep your home free from leaks and other damages. However, if you notice any evidence of moisture or water damage on the wall or floor close to where it is located, call your plumber to have your tankless water heater inspected. Read on to find out more about can tankless water heaters leak and the most frequent causes of leaks so that you can stay ahead of any potential issues!

Can Tankless Water Heaters Leak

Let’s explore can tankless water heaters leak.

Tankless water heaters are an energy-efficient way to provide hot water for a variety of needs. However, there is always the possibility of a tankless water heater leaking, just as with any other type of unit. Leaks in a tankless water heater can occur due to various causes, including broken valves or fittings, loose connections, corrosion or rusting of components, and high internal pressure levels. All these potential causes should be checked regularly to ensure that no leaks are present.

If a leak is discovered, it should be addressed immediately by a qualified professional as the persistent presence of moisture can ultimately lead to costly repairs and replacements. Tankless water heaters also require regular maintenance to keep them functioning properly and prevent future leaks. This includes flushing the unit once per year or as needed, checking all connecting pipes and valves for any signs of wear and tear, and replacing worn parts when necessary. With proper preventive maintenance and precautionary measures taken, homeowners can rest assured that their tankless water heater will remain free from leaks and provide safe hot water for years to come.

Potential Causes of Leaks in Tankless Water Heaters 

There are several potential causes of leaks in tankless water heaters. The most typical are as follows:

1: Improper Installation 

If tankless water heaters are not installed correctly, it can lead to leaks. This usually occurs when the unit is installed too close to walls or other objects that impose strain on the tankless’s pipes. Also, if a tankless water heater is installed with insufficient pipe insulation or inadequate venting, this can cause leaking due to condensation.

2: Corrosion of Components due to Inadequate Maintenance

Inadequate maintenance can also lead to the corrosion of internal components. As tankless systems use large amounts of water, sediment and deposits can build up inside the tankless unit over time. This can cause components to corrode and eventually leak.

3: Poor Quality Material Used During Installation Process

High-quality materials must be used during the installation of a tankless water heater system for it to function properly with minimal risk of leakage or other issues arising over time. If low-grade materials are used during installation, later on, these lower-level materials may not hold up as well as expected, resulting in leaks developing after only a few months. 

4: Acidic or Hard Water

Water that has high levels of acidity or hardness can have a corrosive effect on metal components within tankless water heaters if they become exposed over time. As such, acidic or hard water can contribute to leaks in tankless water heaters if left unchecked.

5: High Pressure or Water Flow Rate

Tankless water heaters need enough pressure and flow rate for proper operation and too much pressure can cause problems namely leaks because many components within the system cannot handle higher levels of force eventually failing at certain pressure points where two pieces join together.

6: Seals Wearing Out Due to Excessive Usage

Tankless water heaters can develop leaks due to seals wearing out over time. Seals in tankless systems will start to wear down after extended usage or exposure to extreme temperatures. Once that occurs, the tankless unit can become prone to leaking. Although tankless water heaters are an excellent way to provide hot water

7: Malfunctioning Valves due to Age-related Deterioration

Tankless water heating systems also require valves to operate properly, and these can eventually deteriorate over time as well. If valves become worn down or otherwise damaged due to age, then tankless water heaters can start leaking.

Warning Signs of a Potential Leak in a Tankless Water Heater 

It’s important to be aware of the warning signs of a tankless water heater leak before it becomes a major issue. Some early indications that tankless water heaters may be leaking include:

1: Noticeable Moisture or Pools of Water Around the Unit

If there is visible moisture around the tankless water heater or pools of water forming, this can be a sign of a potential leak.  

2: Unexpected Increase in Utility Bill Amounts

If your tankless water heater is leaking, this can cause an increase in the amount of energy being used as well as a hike in utility bill amounts. If you notice that your utility bills have suddenly started to climb for no apparent reason, it could be a sign of a tank water heater leak.

3: Strange Odors or Noises Coming From the Unit  

Foul odors or strange sounds coming from the tankless water heater can indicate that a leak is present. If you notice unusual smells or noises coming from your water heater, it may be time to call a professional for an inspection.

4: Discoloration on Walls or Ceilings Near the Tankless Water Heater

Discoloration on walls or ceilings near the tankless water heater can be a sign of a leak. If you observe any changes in color on walls or ceilings, it’s important to contact a professional immediately to check for potential tankless water heater leaks.

5: Low Hot Water Output or Unexpectedly Cold Hot Water Output   

If the tankless water heater is leaking, it can cause a decrease in hot water output or even cold water coming out of the taps.

When tankless water heaters start to leak, they need to be examined by a professional as soon as possible and repaired before further damage occurs. Taking proactive steps now to inspect the tankless water heater and address any issues can help prevent costly repairs or replacements in the future.

How to Prevent Leaks in Tankless Water Heaters  

Here are important steps toward keeping tankless systems leak-free.

  • Hiring an experienced professional tankless water heater installer can help ensure that tankless systems are installed correctly and without any potential issues.
  • Performing routine maintenance and inspections of tankless water heaters can help prevent leaks by addressing any issues before they become bigger. Checking tankless water heaters regularly can also help detect any potential problems that may lead to tankless system leaks.
  • Regular flushing of tankless systems can help prevent sediment buildup which can lead to leaks in tankless water heaters. Flushing the tankless system every 6-12 months will help prevent tankless systems from incurring unnecessary wear and tear.
  • Replacing O-rings and seals as necessary in cold supply lines, hot supply lines, and drain lines. 
  • Cleaning burner chamber & heat exchange assembly with a soft bristle brush at least once per year.  
  • Keeping anode rods replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Installing a pressure relief valve on tankless water heater systems is essential to preventing tankless system leaks. Pressure relief valves help regulate the flow of hot water and if too much pressure builds up, it can cause tankless system leaks.
  • Using nonflammable, noncorrosive sealants when connecting tankless water heaters fittings will help prevent tankless system leaks. This is especially important when tankless systems are installed outdoors or in areas with extreme temperatures.
  • Keeping an eye on temperature and pressure readings in tankless systems can help prevent tankless system leaks.    
  • Make sure to periodically check tankless water heater systems for any signs of leakage around connected pipes or fittings. If there is visible leaking, it’s important to contact a tankless system technician immediately to address the issue.

Following these preventative measures can help to keep tankless systems from leaking, thereby preserving the tankless system and keeping your home safe. If you are unsure about any of the steps listed above, it is best to contact a qualified professional for assistance.  If you think your tankless water heater might be leaking, it’s important to act quickly to address the issue and prevent further damage.  

What To Do If A Tankless Water Heater Leaks?

If the tankless water heater is leaking, it’s important to take action immediately. Here is a list of things to do to fix a tankless water heater that leaks.

1: Power Off The Electricity

First and foremost, if you notice your tankless water heater leaking, it’s important to turn off the electricity to the unit immediately to avoid any potential electrical hazards. Turning off the power can be done by simply flipping the breaker switch on your circuit breaker box. If you are unsure about how to do this safely, please consult a licensed electrician for advice. 

2: Determine The Leak

After turning off the power, inspect the unit for any visible signs of damage such as corrosion or other wear and tear that could be causing a leak. Additionally, make sure all connections between pipes, valves, and fittings are secure and free from any signs of being compromised or broken. If you suspect a connection is not secured properly, use some pipe tape to tighten it up before proceeding with further steps. 

3: Shut Off the Water Supply

Once you have identified where the leak is coming from and have verified that all connections are secure, it’s time to shut off the water supply to the tankless water heater by turning off the main house valve leading into your home plumbing system. Then locate the individual house valve near your tankless water heater and also turn it counterclockwise until it stops to completely shut off all water flow into your tankless water heater unit.

4: Drain Out Residual Water Fully And Repair Leaks

After shutting off both valves such as the main house valve & individual house valve, open up a nearby faucet to fully drain out any residual water from within your tankless water heater system so you can easily access it for repairs or maintenance work if necessary later on down the line. 

5: Double Check All Safety Features Before Turning Unit On

Double-check all safety features on your tankless system before turning it back on once repairs are completed, including pressure relief valves, temperature control valves, expansion tanks, flow controls, etc.

If you don’t feel comfortable inspecting these components yourself, consider calling back in a professional plumber who can safely inspect them for you and ensure everything is working properly before turning them back on again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a tankless water heater be fixed if it leaks?

Yes, tankless water heaters can be fixed if they are leaking. However, it is recommended to contact a professional technician to inspect the unit and determine what needs to be done to repair any existing leaks.

Are tankless water heaters prone to leaking?

Tankless water heaters are not necessarily prone to leaking, but it can happen if they are not properly maintained. Regularly checking all components of tankless water heater, such as pressure valves and temperature controls, can help to prevent leaking issues from occurring.

What is the best way to avoid tankless water heater leaks?

The best way to avoid tankless water heater leaks is by following regular maintenance protocols and getting an annual inspection from a qualified professional. Additionally, keeping an eye on the tankless water heater for any visible signs of damage can help to catch any potential leaking issues early.

What are the tankless water heaters’ most common issues?

The most common issues with tankless water heaters are usually related to a lack of maintenance or a buildup of sediment in the tank, which can cause blockages and create pressure that could eventually lead to leaks.

If my tankless water heater is leaking, should I turn it off?

Yes, if you suspect your tankless water heater is leaking, it’s recommended to turn off the power and the water supply to the unit to prevent any further damage.

Is a leaky tankless water heater an emergency?

In some cases, yes. For instance, if you notice a tankless water heater leak is caused by a loose connection or broken pipe, then it should be treated as an emergency since this can cause serious damage to your home and property. It’s best to contact a professional plumber immediately to minimize the risk of costly repairs down the line.


Can tankless water heaters leak? Yes, tankless water heaters can leak if they are not properly maintained and inspected. It is important to follow regular maintenance protocols and get an annual inspection from a qualified professional to ensure your tankless water heater is functioning optimally. In the event of a tankless water heater leak, it is recommended to shut off the power and water supply immediately to prevent any further damage. And contact a professional plumber right away for assistance. Overall, by following these steps and best practices recommended in this blog post, you can avoid tankless water heater leaks and enjoy a reliable, efficient hot water supply for years to come.

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