Do Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance – The Truth Reveals

Do you have a tankless water heater in your home? If so, you already know that they are incredibly convenient; they provide hot water on demand and can save money over time compared to traditional storage tank heaters. But like any machine, tankless water heaters need some maintenance to keep them running optimally. Tankless water heaters are noted for their longevity and efficiency though they still need some simple maintenance. Tankless water appliances rely on a steady flow of electricity or gas to keep heating the water as it passes through the unit. There isn’t a tank to fill up and store hot water like there is with conventional tank-style water heaters, so they can easily become clogged or dirty and stop working if they’re not properly maintained. In this blog post, we’ll explore the answer to this popular question: do tankless water heaters need maintenance? We’ll also outline the necessary steps to keeping your tankless water heater running smoothly. By following those necessary measures you can make sure that your tankless water heater lasts for many years!

Do Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance

Let’s explore do tankless water heaters need maintenance.

Whether tankless water heaters need maintenance or not? The short answer is yes. Tankless water heaters require regular maintenance to ensure they’re functioning properly and efficiently. Without proper maintenance, your tankless system can become clogged with sediment or damaged from scale buildup, resulting in a drop in performance and even possible safety hazards. In addition to maintaining your appliance regularly, you should also check for any leaks or other signs of damage that may have occurred over time.

Furthermore, flushing out your tankless water heater after every six months or so is also very important. To accomplish the flushing process, attach a garden hose to the drain valve and let the hot water run through it until it is clear. Plus, you should also check the vents for blockages that could prevent air circulation around the unit. Finally, for best results, you should perform a routine checkup and inspection from a licensed technician every year.

Signs That Tankless Water Heater Require Maintenance

If you’re wondering if your tankless water heater needs maintenance or not, here we’re with a few key signs that indicate it’s time to call a professional. These include:

  • Unusual Noises Coming From the Unit
  • Pressure Being too Low
  • Higher Utility Bills Than Normal
  • Unusual Smell
  • Discolored Water
  • Leaks or Damage in the Unit
  • Loss of Temperature Control

1: Unusual Noises Coming From the Unit

If you begin to hear strange noises coming from your tankless water heater, it may be a sign that maintenance is required. These noises could range from loud hums or buzzing to clicking or grinding sounds. This could mean that components of the unit are wearing down and need to be replaced or serviced for the tankless water heater to operate as efficiently as possible. 

2: Pressure Being too Low

If you notice that the water pressure from your hot water tap has decreased, this could also indicate a problem with your tankless water heater. An inadequate flow rate can occur when there is a blockage or buildup in the pipes connected to the unit due to hard water minerals, rust, or sediment gathering over time.

3: Utility Bills Higher Than Normal

When your tankless water heater begins to malfunction, it requires more energy to heat enough hot water for use and will increase your utility bills as a result. Pay attention to any sudden fluctuations in these expenses as they may point towards the need for some kind of maintenance work on the unit itself. 

4: Unusual Smell

If you detect an unusual smell around your tankless water heater area, this could indicate a bigger issue requiring professional inspection and repair services such as clogged air filters or even venting problems leading to exhaust leaks which could be hazardous if left unchecked for too long. 

5: Discolored Water

If your hot shower suddenly starts producing discolored or rusty-looking water, then this is likely an indication that corrosion has developed inside of your tankless water heater’s heat exchanger coil due to hard water sedimentation buildup over time which needs immediate attention from professionals before any further damage occurs within other parts of the unit itself. 

6: Leaks or Damage in the Unit

If you notice any visible signs of water seeping out from the tankless water heater’s drainage area, this could be indicative of a possible leak. In addition, broken or damaged parts inside the unit such as valves, seals, and gaskets should all be inspected by an experienced technician to determine their condition and if they need to be replaced as a result. 

7: Loss of Temperature Control

When you start having difficulty controlling the temperature from your hot taps and showers it can be an indication of faulty components within the tankless loop system such as failing thermostats or sensors which require detailed inspection and maintenance by certified technicians for them to start working properly again without risking further damage in other areas of the system. So if you have a tankless water heater in your home or office, make sure to follow these tips for proper maintenance. Making sure to stay on top of these potential signs will help you catch potential problems before they become more expensive.

Some Upkeep of Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters require some upkeep to last longer and be protected from any risks with regular maintenance. Therefore, don’t neglect to maintain your tankless water heater; it’s worthwhile! You can make sure your tankless system performs easily and effectively for years to come by following these easy procedures.

1: Cleaning the Filters Regularly

Tankless water heaters are a great investment for any home. Not only do they provide an endless stream of hot water, but they also save energy and money in the long run. However, to ensure that your tankless water heater continues to run smoothly and efficiently, it is important to upkeep it regularly.

One of the most crucial things you can do to maintain your tankless water heater is to clean the filters. Over time, dirt and debris will build up inside the filters and lead to clogs that can reduce your water heater’s efficiency and it can cause the unit to overheat and break down. To avoid this, check the filters every two months and clean them as needed.

Fortunately, cleaning the filters is a quick and easy process. All you need is a screwdriver and a few minutes of your time. Simply remove the filter cover, remove the filter, and clean it with a brush or a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to replace the filter once it is clean and be sure to routinely clean the filters if you want your tankless water heater to function at its optimum.

2: Inspecting for Leaks or Damage

Leaks and damage can occur on a tankless water heater just like any other appliance. If you do discover a leak, be careful to fix it immediately. Because frequently monitoring any indications of leaks or damage helps you prevent costly repairs.

As water damage can cause serious problems and may even require the unit to be replaced. So it’s also important to check and clean the temperature-pressure relief valve on your tankless water heater regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Because this valve is designed to release pressure if it gets too high, and if it’s not working properly, it could cause the unit to explode.

In general, it’s crucial to look for any indications of leaks or other damage on your tankless water heater. If you notice any signs of a leak, it’s best to have a professional come in and fix it right away to avoid further damage. Additionally, be sure to check all gaskets and seals around the unit regularly.

3: Checking the Pressure and Temperature

Even though tankless water heaters have many benefits, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure you get the most out of your unit. One of the most important things is to check the pressure and temperature regularly to make sure they’re both within safe ranges. If either the pressure or the temperature gets too high or too low, it can cause damage to the unit and shorten its lifespan.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that tankless water heaters work best when used consistently. If you only use your tankless water heater occasionally, it may not be able to keep up with demand and could end up causing a service disruption.

4: Noticing Noises and Smells

Lastly, if you notice any strange noises or smells coming from your tankless water heater, there might be a problem. Calling a specialist to examine it and determine the issue is the best option. Because a strong smell of gas coming from your tankless water heater is not something you want to ignore. It could be a sign that there’s a gas leak, which is extremely dangerous.

All in all, tankless water heaters are very efficient and last longer when properly maintained, but like any other piece of equipment, they can malfunction.

Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your tankless water heater is essential for keeping it running smoothly and efficiently. Maintenance also goes a long way in providing many benefits. Here are just a few:

1: Extended Lifespan

By regularly servicing and maintaining your tankless water heater, you can enjoy a much longer life expectancy. It is estimated that regular maintenance can increase the life of your tankless water heater by more than double the average lifespan of its tank-style counterpart.

2: Lower Energy Bills

Regular maintenance can mean significant savings on your energy bills due to increased efficiency in heating and hot water production.

3: Improved Performance

The performance also stands to improve significantly with regular maintenance as it ensures that all components are working correctly so you get maximum output from your system.

4: Fewer Repairs

Fewer repairs are required over time when routine maintenance is done which translates into substantial cost savings as well. Lastly, ensuring the proper functioning of the system means safer operation with fewer hazards associated with use or malfunction.

5: Better Safety Standards  

Regularly servicing and maintaining your tankless water heater will result in greater longevity, improved performance, decreased repair cost frequency, and better overall safety standards for all users.  

Potential Problems That May Arise Without Adequate Maintenance

When a tankless water heater is not maintained properly, several potential problems can arise. Here we have listed the problems and their adverse effects on the unit.

1: Clogged Filters:

Clogged filters can cause decreased pressure, reduce efficiency and lead to a shorter lifespan of the unit.

2: Decreased Efficiency:

If the unit is not maintained properly, it can cause a decrease in efficiency, which can lead to higher utility bills.

3: Leaks or Damage:

Leaks and damage can occur if the unit is not routinely inspected for signs of wear and tear. This could result in costly repairs or even the replacement of the entire unit.

4: Faulty Temperature-Pressure Relief Valves:

If the temperature-pressure relief valve is not routinely checked, it can malfunction and cause an explosion of the tankless water heater.

5: Water Damage:

Failure to inspect for leaks and other damage can lead to water damage, which could require the unit to be replaced.

All of these issues will cause the unit to work inefficiently or even break down completely. Additionally, some parts may need to be replaced or repaired, which can result in costly repairs or even the need to replace the entire unit.  

Common Mistakes That Causes Maintenance of Tankless Water Heaters

There are a few common mistakes that can cause the need for extra maintenance or even repairs on your tankless water heater.

1: Failing To Recognize Problems

One of the most common mistakes when maintaining a tankless water heater is failing to recognize problems with the unit promptly. If you don’t notice an issue right away, it could lead to larger and more expensive complications down the road. This is particularly true if you neglect to check for routine maintenance tasks such as regularly cleaning or replacing air filters, sediment filters, and other parts.

2: Use of Hard or Acidic Water

Another mistake homeowners make with their tankless water heaters is using hard or acidic water that causes scale build-up in the unit over time. If left unchecked, this accumulation can cause clogs, inefficient operation, and a shortened lifespan for your unit. To avoid this problem, use a water softener or install a line that brings in untreated groundwater directly from an outside source.

3: Less Input Power

Additionally, ensure that your tankless system has enough power available so it runs at full capacity without tripping the circuit breaker; otherwise, it may be unable to heat large volumes of hot water at once. 

4: Unexamining Leaks

Finally, some people may not realize it’s important to check gas lines for leaks now and then. Gas line problems can be incredibly dangerous; even small amounts of leaked gas can cause explosions if not caught quickly enough. Make sure all fittings are tight and be sure to inspect any new lines before turning on the unit.

How to Avoid Mistakes That Causes Maintenance of Tankless Water Heaters

Paying attention to your tankless water heater’s maintenance needs will help keep it running efficiently and safely over time. Be sure to regularly check all components for signs of wear and tear as well as replace filters when needed; consider scheduling regular maintenance visits with professionals who have experience with these units; use only soft or treated water in your system when possible; install adequate power lines, and finally double-check all gas lines for any possible leaks before turning on the unit each time! Summarily, scheduling regular maintenance visits from professional technicians can help you stay on top of potential issues before they become costly or dangerous. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How frequently do tankless water heaters require maintenance?

Tankless water heaters typically require less maintenance than traditional water heaters, but it’s still important to clean the filters regularly and inspect for leaks or damage. It’s also important to check the pressure and temperature of your unit at least once a year. Additionally, be sure to call a professional if you notice any strange noises or smells coming from your tankless water heater.

How should a tankless water heater be maintained?

Check your tankless water heater regularly for any indications of leaks or other problems. Additionally, be sure to check all gaskets and seals around the unit regularly. It’s also important to check the temperature-pressure relief valve on your tankless water heater regularly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for checking and cleaning.

What is a tankless water heater’s drawback?

The upfront expense of tankless water heaters is their biggest disadvantage. Although they cost more to install than conventional water heaters, their energy-saving technology may enable you to save money over time. Additionally, tankless water heaters require regular maintenance and inspections to ensure they last as long as possible.

How long does a tankless water heater last?

Compared to conventional water heaters, tankless water heaters often have a longer lifespan. Tankless water heaters can endure for 20 years or longer with good care and routine checks. However, it’s important to note that excessive wear and tear can shorten the lifespan of any type of water heater, so be sure to check your unit regularly.


So in conclusion of this article, do tankless water heaters need maintenance? The answer is a resounding yes! Tankless water heaters are an excellent method to cut costs and energy usage. However, they do require some maintenance to ensure they last as long as possible. Be sure to check the pressure and temperature of your tankless water heater regularly, clean the filters, inspect for leaks or damage, and call a professional if you notice any strange noises or smells coming from your tankless water heater. So that your tankless water heater will be able to supply you with hot water for many years to come!

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