Are Electric Tankless Water Heaters Good – The Truth Reveals

Are you considering buying an electric tankless water heater? You’ve probably heard it touted as being more energy-efficient and cost-effective than traditional tank heaters. But is this the case? Electric tankless water heaters are good for a variety of reasons. They are more efficient because they do not use energy to maintain a hot water tank, which means you will save money on your energy bill. They also take up less space, so they are a good option if you have a small bathroom. Additionally, electric tankless water heaters are environmentally friendly because they do not produce emissions from a boiler. These are just a few reasons why electric tankless water heaters may be the best electric water heater option for you. In this post, we’ll look at the pros and cons of using electric tankless water heaters so that you can make an informed decision. Keep reading to learn more!

Are Electric Tankless Water Heaters Good

Let’s explore are electric tankless water heaters good.

Electric tankless water heaters are high-efficiency, space-saving appliances that provide hot water on demand without having to maintain a large storage tank. These heaters are incredibly efficient and can save you a considerable amount of money over the long term. They are powered by electricity and typically mounted on a wall near the point of use. Electric tankless water heaters have become increasingly popular over the last several years, and for good reason. They offer numerous advantages over traditional hot water tanks, including their energy efficiency, convenience, space-saving design, and cost savings in both the short and long term.

Electric tankless water heaters offer greater efficiency so that you save money on your electricity bill. They also take up much less space and can be installed almost anywhere, making them a good option for small homes or apartments. Additionally, these heating units come with the advantage of a longer lifespan that makes them more durable than traditional tank water heaters. Overall, electric tankless water heaters have both advantages and disadvantages, but they are still a good option for many people. If you are the one searching for a reliable and effective way to heat your water, an electric tankless water heater is the perfect solution for you.

History of Electric Tankless Water Heaters 

The history of electric tankless water heaters began in the early 20th century when inventors and engineers began to explore ways to increase efficiency and reduce energy costs associated with traditional water heaters. Increase in Popularity over Recent Years Due to their Energy Efficiency. In the decades since its introduction, electric tankless water heaters have become increasingly popular for some reasons. Perhaps the most notable benefit is their efficiency; unlike traditional storage-tank water heaters, electric tankless heaters only turn on when hot water is needed. This eliminates standby losses of heated water that add unnecessary costs to your monthly bills. Furthermore, they also tend to be more compact making them ideal for homes with limited space. And since they don’t have tanks that can rust or corrode over time, meaning you won’t need to replace them regularly like you would with other tank water heaters. In addition to all these features, these units are also known for their longevity which allows them to last for about 20 years or more.

Moreover, unlike some other eco-friendly appliance options on the market today, electric tankless models require minimal effort from users, simply connect your unit directly to your home’s electrical supply and enjoy virtually unlimited hot water whenever you need it! Their simplistic operation ensures that your family will always be able to take advantage of hot showers or baths without worrying about running out of warm water. As technology continues to improve, manufacturers continue to introduce new features and designs that make electric tankless water heaters even more efficient and cost-effective for homeowners and businesses alike. 

How to Install an Electric Tankless Water Heater?

Installing an electric tankless water heater is a relatively straightforward process. Here is a step-by-step guide to installing an electric tankless water heater:

1. Turn off the main power source-

The first step in any electrical work is to turn off the main power source. This means flipping the circuit breakers or unscrewing fuses as needed to completely sever all electricity flowing into your home.

2. Shut off the water supply-

The next step is to shut off the water supply that feeds your existing water heater. You can do this by locating the shut-off valve at the water heater and turning it fully to its off position.

3. Drain existing water heater-

Once the power and water supply are both disconnected, attach a hose to your existing water heater’s drain valve and open it to begin draining out any remaining hot water in the system.

4. Disconnect existing water heater-

Once the tank is drained, you can now disconnect all wiring and piping connected to your existing water heater. This includes removing any gas connections if applicable and uninstalling the vent pipe that runs out of the side of your tank.

5. Prepare mounting location-

After disconnecting the existing water heater, you can now prepare the mounting location for your new electric tankless water heater. This includes making sure all electrical wiring is properly grounded and that any gas or propane lines are disconnected from the area. Make sure to consult your local building codes when preparing the mounting location as some areas may require additional preparations.

6. Mount electric tankless water heater-

Once the mounting location is properly prepared, you can mount your electric tankless water heater in its place. This will involve following the instructions that come with your specific unit regarding wiring and plumbing connections.

7. Connect hot and cold water lines-

After the mounting phase is complete, you can now connect the hot and cold water lines. This will involve connecting the incoming hot and cold water pipes to the appropriate valves on your electric tankless water heater.

8. Turn on the power source-

Now that all wiring, plumbing, and mounting preparations are complete, you can now turn back on your main power source to begin powering up your electric tankless water heater.

9. Turn on the water supply-

After ensuring that your electric tankless water heater is powered up, you can now turn back on the water supply to begin running hot and cold water through your system.

10. Test for leaks-

The last step in installing an electric tankless water heater is to test all connections for any leaks or other potential issues. As always, make sure to consult your local building codes and safety guidelines when performing any electrical work.

Once all of these steps have been followed, you should now be able to enjoy the benefits of an electric tankless water heater. Make sure to regularly inspect and maintain your unit to keep it running at its optimal performance.

Advantages of Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Electric tankless water heaters offer many advantages over traditional water heaters. Here are the most prominent benefits:

1: Endless Supply of Hot Water

The foremost advantage of electric tankless water heaters is their ability to provide an endless supply of hot water, whenever and wherever it is needed without any interruption or delay. This is because these units can heat water on demand, as soon as a tap is turned on. This eliminates the need for large storage tanks, making them an ideal choice for tight spaces such as tiny homes, mobile homes, and cabins.

2: Energy Efficiency

Another great benefit of electric tankless water heaters is their high energy efficiency compared to traditional hot water tanks. These units only use electricity to produce hot water when it’s needed, which reduces energy consumption significantly and leads to lower monthly bills. Plus, they are also equipped with advanced features such as temperature control mechanisms that can be adjusted to fit the user’s needs and preferences accordingly.

3: Space Saving Designing

Electric tankless water heaters are also quite compact; most models come in small sizes that can easily be mounted on walls or tucked away behind cabinets or other tight spaces where conventional hot water tanks cannot fit. This makes them especially suitable for small apartments and other tight living areas where space optimization is essential. 

4: Saves Thousands on Electric Bill Cost

Electric tankless water heaters are also known for saving thousands of dollars on electric bills. By using electricity only to produce hot water when it is needed, these units can help you save money on energy costs over time.

5: Long Lifespan Period

Another major perk of electric tankless water heaters is their long lifespan; they last much longer than traditional hot water tanks due to the lack of a storage tank that corrodes over time. Additionally, these models require little maintenance over time which saves money in the long run by reducing repair costs associated with traditional hot water tanks that need frequent repairs due to corrosion caused by the stored water inside them. 

6: Advanced Digital Display Feature

Many modern electric tankless water heaters feature digital displays that allow users to keep track of their current usage levels and set optimal temperatures for each potential use point inside their home and even remotely via a smartphone app in some cases; this helps users monitor their energy consumption closely to save more money while still enjoying an unlimited supply of hot running waters whenever they desire it!

7: Environment Friendly

Finally, electric tankless water heaters are also much more environment-friendly than traditional hot water tanks. By using up to 50 percent less energy than traditional units and running on electricity only, these models can help reduce your carbon footprint significantly.

Disadvantages of Electric Tankless Water Heaters

Despite the many advantages that electric tankless water heaters offer, there are also a few drawbacks associated with them.

1: Installation Cost

Installation costs for electric tankless models tend to be higher; since these units require special wiring and other complex components to be installed. While you may save money in the long run due to more efficient energy use, upfront costs can range from $200 to over $1000, the costs can often run quite high for homeowners and renters alike.

2: High Electric Requirements

Additionally, electric tankless water heaters require significantly more electricity than traditional hot water tanks; they need anywhere from 20 to 80 amps of electricity depending on the model which may be too much for some households and is certainly not ideal for those living in areas with a low power supply. 

3: Limited Power Output

One of the drawbacks of electric tankless water heaters is their limited power output since there is no storage tank with electric tankless models, you may experience colder showers if several people are running hot water at once from different sources in the house. Additionally, if you live in an area with an already low energy supply then this limitation could cause issues when running multiple appliances simultaneously as well as result in diminished performance from your water heater itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are electric tankless water heaters?

Electric tankless water heaters are units that produce hot water on demand as opposed to traditional hot water tanks that require a storage tank. These units typically use up to 50 percent less energy and require minimal maintenance over time which can help reduce your electric bill significantly.

Are electric tankless water heaters worth it?

Yes, electric tankless water heaters can be worth it in the long run as they tend to have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance than traditional hot water tanks. In addition, by using electricity only to produce hot water when required, these units can help save you money on your energy costs over time.

How much do electric tankless water heaters cost?

The costs of electric tankless water heaters can vary depending on the size, features, and model; however, they typically range anywhere from $200 to over $1000. It’s important to consider installation costs as well since these units require special wiring to be installed properly.

How long do electric tankless water heaters last?

The typical lifespan of an electric tankless water heater is 10 to 15 years, making them a more reliable and cost-effective option over time as compared to traditional hot water tanks. Additionally, since these models don’t have storage tanks that need to be replaced regularly, you can often get even longer lifespans with proper maintenance and care.

Are electric tankless water heaters better than traditional hot water tanks?

Yes, electric tankless water heaters are generally more efficient and cost-effective than traditional hot water tanks. Additionally, since there is no storage tank required for these models, users can enjoy an unlimited supply of hot running water whenever they desire without having to wait for the tank to fill up first.

What are the best electric tankless water heaters in the market?

The best electric tankless water heaters in the market today are those made by Ecosmart, Stiebel Eltron, and Rheem. Each of these brands offers a wide range of features, sizes, and prices to meet the needs of any consumer. Additionally, each of these models typically has a long lifespan with minimal maintenance requirements which makes them a great option for those looking to save money on their energy bills over time.


So in conclusion of this article are electric tankless water heaters good? Electric tankless water heaters are a great investment for your home. They provide an endless supply of hot water, save energy and money on your monthly electric bill, and last longer than traditional storage tank water heaters. So if you’re looking for a more efficient way to heat the water in your home, electric tankless water heaters may be the best option for you. Be sure to do your research, contact a professional to install it properly, and maintain it regularly so that you can enjoy the benefits of electric tankless water heating for many years to come!

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